Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Reunion Report

The reunion meeting was great fun...complete with campfire! We noted how our practices of outdoor journaling help us to slow down, become more attentive, and encourage personal reflection. We also discussed how this could benefit our students especially if given the opportunity to find their own space all to themselves for regular writing and observation throughout the year. 

Classroom Capstones - Here are some great ideas already in the works... 
MP: Worm composting, inspired by students' expressed interest in trash and where it goes.  
WH&DM: Taking advantage of a schoolyard that's mostly grass by 
  • looking at insects, patterns in nature, plant structures, or birds on campus
  • bringing leaves from home to study
  • bringing a seed from home to grow...what's going to happen? What will it become?
  • looking from different perspectives...above, close to, and beneath the grass, and tying observations into Common Core writing concepts
DT: Extending the preschool's "Joy of the Earth" unit by looking more closely at nature using the rope circles, rolling down grassy hills, and lying down to watch and describe the clouds with parent help to record thoughts and observations.
JR: On-campus tree investigation including naming, measuring, comparing, artistic representations, exploring associated species, and wholeheartedly adopting their new tree friends.
CO: A spotted owl project inspired by first-hand experience!

What do you plan to do?  Send me your ideas to share. In December we'll come together to find out how things went (or are going) and celebrate!